Francaise title: Le poids de l’amour
Original title: Moppel-Ich
Comedy – Germany
Production year: 2006
Movie length: 89 minutes
Director: Thomas Nennstiel
Writer: Susanne Fröhlich, Lars Albaum
Cinematograph: Marc Prill
Music: Enjott Schneider
Movie description:
Based on Susanne Fröhlich’s bestselling diet book, this comedy focuses on Carla Hahn, hosting a radio show as »Christin, the sexiest voice of Berlin«. However, her listeners don’t know that she is full-figured. When Tom, a charming admirer, persistently calls her on the show, she wants to meet him. As he thinks she looks a slim top model, Carla desperately tries to loose weight until their first date.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 31.01.1997
Age of the actor:
approximately 9 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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